sigh... trials are
OVERR! gosh i'm so happy! the past three weeks have been draining.. cant imagine how i'd be when SPM comes.. so anyways i got thurs, fri, sat and sun off!! hurray! that means i get to watch tv, go on the comp, sleep or read a book all day... without studying!!! do you know how good that feels after a crazy 4-hours-sleep-a-day-for-3-weeks??? it feels
GREAT!! ahahahha but sadly it'll only be short-lived.. after this weekend, it's back to the grind... and full force! but well it's nice to enjoy the time i have now =)
oh so yeah, my mum was utterly shocked when i told her that i only wash my face with water.. (she's into the skin care thing big-time! this year) obviously i thought little of it coz well i've been blessed with zero pimples.. so she hasten to tell me all such benefits of taking care of your skin (that i knew already) ahaha but when she came to the bad side of
NOT taking care of your skin, i freaked! yes i did! so we went to guardian and bought some products (neutrogena).. the normal stuff, cleansing, toning and moisturising.. i was pretty happy, to be honest.. i mean i never did use these kinda stuff so it's all new to me, you know new stuff make me happy =).. so anyways, according to my mum, there was a substantial difference in my skin, just one day of using it (i knew i loved the name neutrogena for a reason ;)) i am truly happy! so that's the story =D
i've been doing a lot of thinking lately.. partially because well it's exams and when you finish you paper early and you've double checked twice only to find you have half an hour to kill.. you tend to think! so yes i was thinking and let me tell you.. i got sooo angry! things like this happen when you think a lot.. i mean why why why do we have to study sejarah! and at least the whole of form five's based on political stuff which...
I HATE! i really despise these stuff! really.. and there were alot more other things that got me mad when i was thinking them.. and suddenly, all the things the government do just
DONT make sense.. honestly!!!!!!! actually the only reason i'm blogging about this is coz i have nothing to blog about.. makes me wanna stop blogging.. coz it's just been boring.. blogging i mean.. sigh!