thanks Sum for giving me a pack =)
i have interesting friends.. the whole lunch time at the cafeteria in uni, Tom was trying to irritate me about my failing the driving test -.- hahaha he'd start off by asking when my next test is.. then he took out HIS driver's license to
tom (t) : hi juniors! *waves*
-juniors look up at him and wave back-
-john looks up, takes out the IMU pen (it looks like a syringe) puts on a punk face-
john (j) : do you want me to jab your butt with this?
-in cheryl's words, EPICCCC!!!!- HAHAHAHAHAH!
(he actually used a more crude word which i wont use)
and that's not all!! so Tom slightly taken aback and a little apprehensive but feeling forgiving, introduces himself..
t : my name is Tom *smile*
-the juniors politely introduce themselves in return-
-then came john's turn-
t : hi, my name's Tom
j : oh really!? where's Jerry?
HILARIOUS man! when Tom told me this, i had to grit my teeth hard from bursting into laughter because we were in the library.. the funny thing is, he's actual name is Shin Tom.. so he could've avoided all that if he had just used Shin Tom instead of Tom. needless to say, Tom was really offended.. john got ragged in return.
i guess reading it and not actually seeing the expression on his face makes it less funny. but if you know him enough.. it was like the joker got served yo! hahahahah i'll post up a picture just so you can put a face to the name..
he actually wore he's prefect's uniform to uni because he'd pakat with his friends to do so.. and guess what? none of them wore theirs!!! AHAHAHAHA!wish i had more pictures of his less composed expressions to show you.. sadly, this is my only one..
ok gotta get back to more resaerching -.- going online has never been so mundane.. zzzz