Leech(l): sure why not?? *grins really wide*
b: yay!!
l: eh wait! it's a school day la dear.. *frowns*
b: oh yeah hor!
l: *pouts then brightens up* oh why not after cf rally?
b: huh? cf rally? oh!! ok! ok!! set ah!
l: yay! where should we have it?
b&l: YOUR PLACE!!!!
b&l: HUH?!
b&l: OH IF YOU WANT....
b: hahaha if you want my place also can..
l: oh no no.. i mean my place also can..
hahhahahaha this what happens when great minds think alike... (or rather like john says it, best friends thinking alike... dont wanna be washing papers plates if you know what i mean XD) hahahahhahahaha its an inside joke... if you wanna know though just ask john or me! dont ask belle hahahah she'll never tell... ok i better go study now! hope you enjoyed reading that telephone conversation =D
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