1) why is it we laugh at things we deem funny? why is it we deem something to be funny? what actually tickles us/makes us laugh and how does our brain decipher something to be funny?
2) why are the roads always jam when & after it's raining?? why do ppl always stop to look at accidents when accidents are ugly and terrible??
3) why are there bad ppl in the world (rapist, murderers, terrorist, etc.)? they definitely werent born with evil intent in their hearts.. right??
there's alot more but all of a sudden i cant think of any... sigh i just tried studying but nothing's going in.. ahh yes another thing i dont understand...CHEMISTRY! yes i practically hate that subject! well not really la but despite my efforts i can never get chem! it's so frusang! i mean why is chemistry so hard? it shouldnt be uncomprehandable! but then again i think this only applies to me =(
today was quite an emo day la... was talking to a few ppl about some "stuff" and listening to what they have to say just really touched me.. but at the same time i cant stop smiling! hahahha i know the whole "stuff" thing sounds so stupid.. but i will reveal the "stuff" at an appropriate time..
wargh!!!! stupid exams man! because of that, i missed out on all the fun on sat for the cycling thing and i havent had good proper time to spend with belle! i miss her super duper mega alot! and she's leaving in 15 days!! i hate it that i have only less than a week to spend time with her before she takes off to USA..
anyways just wanna post a shout out to my bestest, most wonderful, beautiful and understanding pal!
BELLE!! ahhahaha
ok here's a nicer one =D
ahhahaha why so early? well coz i wont be comin online on your birthday day(stupid exams), i decided to do it now!!! so HAPPEEE BURFDAY, GORGEOUS!! you have lit up so many ppl's lives with your cheerful attitude and positiveness that i doubt you would ever be forgotten by them! Thank GOD i meet you! thank GOD we're so close! THANK GOD FOR YOU! i dont know where or what i would be if i hadnt met/talk/grown closer to you... my only regret is not being able to give back to you in return of the wonderful ways you have blessed me... so go on out and act as if you're the queen! it's your super seventeen birthday! you deserve it! ILOVEU oh-so-much! so pls just enjoy yourself ok?
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